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The Path to Freedom
Articles and Speeches by Michael Collins. Mercier Press, Cork 1995; ISBN 1-85635-148-3, IR£6.99
Traditional Irish republicans in the stamp of Ruari O'Bradaigh have long vilified Collins as a traitor but his policy was that of William Rooney, a founder of the original Sinn Fein movement and Cummann na nGaedheal, "Neglect no weapon which the necessities and difficulties of the enemy force him to abandon to us, and make each `concession' a stepping-stone to further things." Today's Provos have now adopted the Collins/Rooney strategy. Ulster patriots can also learn from the writings of this old enemy. Speaking of the Irish nationalist movement he wrote that "All the streams - economic, political, spiritual, cultural and militant meet together in the struggle of 1916-21 which has ended in a Peace ... the establishment of a free native Parliament which will be erected on a Constitution expressing the will of the Irish people." If the Ulster independence movement is to have any chance of success in winning freedom for our Motherland it will have to embrace a similar mixture of streams. We need a Pan-Ulster nationalist front, or as I termed it in our last issue an Ulster National Congress to lay the foundations of a free and independent Ulster with justice for all. Home Page |
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