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Notes from the Borderland Winter 1997/8
Editor and publisher: Larry O'Hara. BM Box 4769 London WC IN 3XX. £2.50

THIS IS A NEW JOURNAL of ‘parapolitics’ - the hidden, underhand and secretive side of politics - in the tradition of' Lobster magazine. Unlike the cerebral Lobster, however, it seeks to be more popular in style. On tile strength of this first issue I would say that the publisher Larry O'Hara has succeeded. The true test will be if lie manages to keep to the same standard in die second and subsequent issues.

This first issue carries a fascinating exposure of the activities of bogus Catholic charities which are linked to the clerico-fascist group known as the International Third Position. The charities in question are the St Michael the Archangel Trust and the St George Trust. It was a good scam which must have netted the ITP quite a bit of money.

Another fascinating article looks at the bizarre case of a hermaphrodite known as 'Lady Athena McHugh', formerly Tony McHugh. McHugh was deeply involved in the Stalinist New Communist Party and apparently worked for NCP member and Searchlight operative Daphne Liddle. McHugh was involved in the NCP and its front group, the National Union of Unemployed and Workers, throughout the 1980's. By 1994 she was the East Anglian regional organiser of the British National Party. In this respect the BNP and its leadership comes out looking very silly indeed. They lost key records and mailing lists which were used to set up a bogus organisation calling itself the 'British National Socialist Party'. The account of the convolutions of this person and her connections makes fascinating reading for political activists of all colours.

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