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Images of the Twelfth

The Twelfth aims to convey the spirit, colour and atmosphere of Europe's largest indigenous cultural festival. We have no connection with the Orange Order, but we do fully support the concept of civil and religious liberties for all. We oppose negative religious bigotry. We believe in heritage, not hate and celebration, not provocation. We extend mutual cultural respect to all other peoples.

We’d like to make next year’s issue of The Twelfth bigger and better than the last one. Can you help us? Areas in which we’d appreciate your help include:


Articles. We want to hear from anyone who is willing to share his or her thoughts and memories of the ‘Twelfth’. What does it really mean to you? We'd also like to broaden our scope and carry reports from lodges and bands. Don’t worry if you don’t think you can write an entire article - one of our main writers just produces a series of notes. We put them order, cross the t’s and dot the i’s. It’s as simple as that!


Research. There’s a growing interest in Ulster’s local history and we’d like The Twelfth to reflect that. We’d love to be able to reproduce reports and pictures from yesteryear - however, we simply do not have the time or personnel to do so. Would you be willing to spend a few hours in your local library collecting reports of how your parents and grand-parents celebrated the Twelfth? If so, we’d like to hear from you today!


Graphics. We want to improve the appearance of The Twelfth broadsheet and would like to hear from anyone with layout and design experience. We’d also like to hear from artists, cartoonists and photographers.


Finance. The Washington DC-based Friends of Sinn Féin have raised well over £2 Million! We have a long way to go before we can match that—but we have to start somewhere. All donations—large or small—are greatly appreciated. Send cheques/POs (made out to Glenwood Publications) to our address below.


Distribution. We need to build a world-wide distribution network. If you’ve liked this paper, why not buy a few extra copies and send them to friends and relatives at home and abroad?

We hope you’ve enjoyed reading The Twelfth. Hopefully, we’ve succeeded in capturing the flavour, colour and atmosphere of Europe’s largest indigenous cultural folk festival. The Twelfth welcomes all ideas, constructive criticism, and especially offers of help. If you’ve got something to say - get in touch today!

E-mail: feedback@the-twelfth.org.uk


Beating the drum
The Pride of the Maine, BALLYMENA

glengormley arch.gif (66664 bytes)
Tradional Orange Arch
Glengormley village centre, NEWTOWNABBEY

Parading through Glengormley
Local band walks the village

Traditional image of King William III crossing the Boyne

Ballymacarret melody flute band

Ballymacarrett  Defenders melody flute band - East Belfast



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