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The list of candidates contesting the Westminster general election in the West Belfast constituency has been finalised.  The seat is currently held by Gerry Adams, the president of Sinn Féin.  The election takes place on June 7th  2001.  The candidates are as follows...

Gerry ADAMS Sinn Féin
Alex ATTWOOD Social Democratic and Labour Party
Rainbow GEORGE Vote for Yourself Party
David KERR Ulster Third Way
John LOWRY Workers' Party
Chris McGIMPSEY Ulster Unionist Party
Eric SMYTH Democratic Unionist Party

Local Government Election 2001

Elections to the twenty-six local councils take place on the same day as the Westminster general election.  Voting is by the single transferable vote system of proportional representation.  In the Westminster election, a voter expresses a single choice for one candidate in a single-seat constituency and the candidate with the greatest number of votes is deemed elected.  Under STV, voters list preferences among the candidates in order; 1 for their first choice, 2 for their second choice and so on.  Most electoral areas have five or six seats.  To be deemed elected, candidates have to reach a quota which is calculated from the total number of votes cast, divided by the number of seats plus one.  Extra votes from surpluses or the second preferences from eliminated candidates are redistributed according to voters' choice.  It can often take two or more days of counting, redistributing and recounting before all the candidates are elected.

Our parliamentary candidate, David Kerr is also standing for a council seat in the Court Electoral Area in West Belfast.  The full candidate list follows.  Candidates in red are outgoing councillors seeking re-election.

Fred COBAIN Ulster Unionist Party
Mick CONLON Sinn Féin
David KERR Ulster Third Way
Frank McCOUBREY Independent (formerly Ulster Democratic Party)
Chris McGIMPSEY Ulster Unionist Party
Elaine McMILLAN Democratic Unionist Party
William SMITH Progressive Unionist Party
Eric SMYTH Democratic Unionist Party
Hugh SMYTH Progressive Unionist Party

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