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The hysterical reaction of much of the British press and media over the IRA's killing of the Tory politician Ian Gow shows their fundamental lack of understanding of the Ulster problem. For example,  The Independent described killing as 'murder for its own sake' and 'profoundly stupid'.  We are told that IRA violence 'achieves nothing' and that IRA terror "will never win'.  British establishment politicians and its media have yet again demonstrated their own deep ignorance of the Ulster situation and the mind of the IRA.


The IRA obviously does not believe the British establishment propaganda line. The IRA. believes that it can win and the response to Ian Gow's death can only encourage them.  Ian Gow's assassination has given the IRA a major boost in morale; sheer pleasure in the death of an outspoken opponent; the removal of one of the few 'mainland' unionists and the inevitable reiteration from the pundits that Peter Brooke will not allow his death to deflect
him on his latest initiative - an initiative which Mr Gow opposed!  British parliamentary backbenchers will also be less likely to sound off in public about Ulster in came they find themselves promoted to the tap of the Provos' latest hit list!

Mr Gow was that rare commodity - an honest, principled English Tory politician who had a deep interest in Ulster affairs. He even resigned government office in 1985 as a protest against the signing of the Hillsborough Pact. In the aftermath of his assassination we are assured that the Pact which fir Gow so vehemently opposed will remain in place because 'we can°t let the IRA win'


The former Official Unionist MP for South Down, Enoch Powell, has been -the only politician of any seniority to expose the hypocrisy of the British State's position. According to Mr Powell, the IRA are calling the tune on political events in Ulster. As he put it, "One would have to be a fool indeed
to believe that, if -the Provisional IRA had never existed, Her Majesty's Government would have pursued the same policy towards Northern
Ireland as it has been doing since the early 1970's" .
In his words, "Britain has danced to the terrorists' tune. What is more, it has been playing the tune itself, to the support and encouragement of the IRA. Policy towards Northern Ireland since 1972 has been one long operation to push Ulster out of the United Kingdom into a united Ireland, precisely the objective of ' Brits Out! ' which the IRA seeks to achieve by its own methods".

British policy will inevitably lead to Irish 'unity'. ' Consent;' will not be permitted to be withheld. The only way to prevent the absorption and
destruction of Ulster is self determination. Only when power in Ulster is held by Ulsterfolk will terrorism be crushed and social justice achieved.


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