www.ulsternation.org.ukThis website is a forum for political debate and the exchange of ideas. Unless indicated, the opinions expressed in any article, commentary, argument or review is solely that of the author and not necessarily that of the publisher. Home Page Reviews Ulster comment Archives International issues Links Conversation with Rabbi Schiller FAQs Open Forum For Sale Obituaries Culture and Identity |
In MemoriamDavid McCaldenUlster Nation regrets the death of our dear
friend David McCalden, who passed away in El Segundo, California after David was a militant atheist and delighted in winding up religious people, but he never forgot his Ulster Protestant roots in Belfast. We will miss him. David McCalden, controversialist
Ulster Nation and Ulster Third Way have been criticised in some circles for republishing this short personal obituary, written by David Kerr, a friend of David McCalden. This does not imply that either Mr Kerr, Ulster Nation or U3W share all or even any of the late Mr McCalden's controversial and iconoclastic views on matters unrelated to the Ulster conflict. This ought to be a simple enough thing to understand. Some folk, blinded by their own prejudices, still just don't get it. |
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